Line Reference “...I was really excited, because the control, the tone and the resolution of details have proved really excellent. A few pre and amps compare favorably inserted into the chain Yamamura in Salerno, very few ...” Pierre Bolduc – Audiophilesound
The Pure Class A
Audio Amplifiers HORN – Pure Class A audio amplifiers |
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Listening to: Audiophilesound –Salerno, listening room, Pierre Bolduc, loudspeakers Yamamura, booking tel.+39.349.4407786 HORN – listening booking tel. +39 349 4407786 FilconAudio – Castana (PV), Oltrepò Pavese Italy– listening booking tel. +39 392 6376869 H&S Solutions - Via Massimo Stanzione, 6 - Naples listening booking tel +39 081 2298596 |
HORN Audio Amplifiers supports MB Recording Studio |
A100 mono stage dual mono class A amplifier “...the detail of the arches is at a stratospheric level ... The colour of the sopranos' voices with the A100 surprised me: first by the absence of sibilanze and second because not tiring during the loudest passages ... there is an ease of issue reminiscent of the best of analog. A great result that few but very few manage to achieve Pierre Bolduc – Audiophilesound |
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