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The sound of Pure Class


The company, based in Fossacesia (CH) in Abruzzo, designs and manufactures top quality audio electronics giving form to objects aesthetically and technically essential, able to capture the attention in search of a not common products.

The experience gained in professional fields, where it is imperative to establish a project on the reliability, combined with a passion for music and the belief that the musical performance played properly has the power to abstract the listener, make this company a reality capable of designing high-impact audio electronics.

The same care that is used for the construction of the final product is first used for prototyping, thus, also the choice of components and circuit solutions are dictated by the desire to conceive technically state of the art objects. All units, in the process of tuning, are subject to the judgment of professionals that represent the potential appraiser, judgment essential to center, without hesitation, the needs of audiophile.

All this makes HORN company able to design equipment capable of giving pleasure to listen through the 'presence and soundstage necessary'.

The principle of the essential number of the stages of an apparatus for the reproduction of sound allows the audio signal to remain intact and to retain the information of the musical message, reducing the likelihood of reproducing artifacts. It 'well known that the longer the path between input and output and more sound runs the risk of deteriorate so much to lose the characteristics of origin.

Born, so, the electronics capable of making independent audio signal by factors that weaken audio information.

The equipment HORN are united by technical solutions such as DC interstage coupling, no feedback and the dual mono configuration.

